How strategic initiatives improve our health system

We Identify Needs

Convene Partners

Find Funding

Organize & Lead

Launch & Support

Evaluate & Learn

Circular Image with text listing initiative processes.

Contact us if you are part of a group or organization
and want to join a health initiative.

Valley Alliance to End Homelessness (VAEH)

The VAEH is a collection of county, non-profit, and state-level partners invested in finding solutions to homelessness for our region. The VAEH is currently addressing homelessness in the tri-county area through supporting clients to access temporary and permanent supportive housing and advocating for better solutions in order to reach its goal: to make homelessness in our region rare, brief, and met with compassion.

Mountain Coalition for Food and Nutrition Security (MCFNS)

We believe food and nutrition security is a right that can be best delivered through a regional approach that provides sustainable food access, education, and storage to ensure the health of our region.


WMRHA has partnered with food security organizations and local governments in the tri-county area to promote food security as a key determinant of health within the region.

Community Health Connections

WMRHA works to serve all people who need support by improving the health system. Our community cares about health for all.

We have assembled resources that help folks identify and access the most appropriate services in their journey to care for themselves, families, friends, and neighbors.

Group of people reaching their hands together

Successful Past Initiatives

WMRHA has successfully built and launched initiatives that are continuing to impact partners and contribute to better population health outcomes. WMRHA staff continue to monitor and track learning from the initiatives it helps launch and to keep building a better health system.

The following initiatives were launched and handed off to partners in the last 2 years:

Happy woman lifting a child in the air

Learn more about our partners
and how your group, agency or organization
can get involved.


Contact us to join an initiative.