Benefit Recovery Fund

Services: Statewide program for unemployed undocumented workers in Colorado who have or will receive a W-2 tax form from their employer, who have lost their job through no fault of their own and who are not eligible to receive traditional wage replacement assistance. It provides direct cash payments for eligible W-2 or pay stub workers without work authorizations to help them pay for things like food, shelter, healthcare, clothing and other critical needs due to a loss of employment.

Cost: Free

Eligibility: Unemployed undocumented workers in Colorado, must be 16 years or older, have earned income as a W-2 worker in a qualified or alternative base period (typically within the last 15-18 months) and complete application. Can apply online on website.

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Colorado State Government Resource Inventory

Services: This resource inventory is a collection of all opportunities (i.e., service offerings, resources, funding opportunities, training/technical assistance) made available by Colorado’s state government that relate to the behavioral health of children, youth and families.


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Family Resource Center School District no 16

Services: Counseling and Support Services: Individual, or group counseling to address mental health and provide social-emotional services. Parenting Education: Workshops and classes that provide parenting skills, child development information, and resources. Childcare Assistance: Information about affordable childcare options and sometimes direct support or programs. Emergency Assistance: Help with basic needs like food, clothing, and shelter, as well as assistance in crisis situations. Referrals: Connections to other community services such as healthcare, legal aid, and educational resources. Youth Programs: Activities and support for children and teenagers, including tutoring, mentorship, and recreational programs. Health and Wellness Services: Access to health screenings, wellness programs, and resources for physical and mental health. Community Engagement: Opportunities for families to connect with each other and participate in community events.

Cost: Free

Eligibility: Local families, No appointment necessary

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Family Resource Center of the Roaring Fork Schools

Services: Help navigating student enrollment, academic and social-emotional interventions. Parent leadership and advocacy opportunities. Public benefit application assistance ex. medical, vision, dental, mental health care. Free and reduced lunch application support. Internet access and assistance. Rent and utilities assistance. Transportation assistance and support. Financial literacy coaching and access to resources. Increase in positive parenting skills. Family meetings to support students who are at-risk of chronic absenteeism or drop out to access resources.

Cost: Free

Eligibility: Families with children 0-21 years of age attending schools within the Roaring Fork School District boundaries (Glenwood, Carbondale and Basalt). Unaccompanied Youth enrolled in the Roaring Fork Schools. They can connect with their school family liaison.

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Vail Behavioral Health – Behavioral Health Case Management

Services: Helps Eagle County residents navigate the complex system of behavioral health care and connects people to available resources and services that best meet their needs when they experience barriers to access. Connect with therapists, Access drug and alcohol treatment, Understand treatment options, Connect with an insurance navigator, Explore financial assistance options, Connect to short- or long-term care, Find additional financial alternatives to assist with medical expenses, housing assistance, food assistance, and emergency funding to help with immediate needs.

Cost: Free

Eligibility: Must be a resident or work in Eagle County. Call for more information or to schedule appointment, services in English or Spanish.

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Catholic Charities

Services: Emergency Financial Assistance. Circumstance outside of the patient’s control impacting housing, which has a solution and is sustainable. Examples: unforeseen loss of job, surgery, and natural disasters like a fire.

Cost: Free

Eligibility: Residents of Eagle, Pitkin, Garfield Counties. Appointments preferred but can accommodate walk-ins at the Glenwood location. Appointments only at the Eagle and Avon offices.

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Valley Settlement – Equipo de Apoyo Familiar / Family Support Team

Services: Case Management & Community Services. Wraparound services; Family Navigators conduct home visits, assist families in times of crisis, and provide one-on-one support to connect families with the resources they need to thrive. This can include support with healthcare, food, transportation, government assistance, etc. Service in English and Spanish

Cost: Free

Eligibility: Anyone who needs help accessing community resources, just call or come to our office.

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Eagle County Department of Human Services

Services: Help applying for Food, Medical, Childcare, Financial, Child Support and Other Assistance Programs. English and Spanish

Cost: Free

Eligibility: Each program has different eligibility requirements but no requirements to see what you are eligible for. No appointment necessary, call for more information. Please talk with a human services professional or go to Colorado PEAK website to apply.

Read More about Eagle County Department of Human Services

Benefits in Action

Services: Assistance navigating and applying for government benefits. SNAP, Medicaid, Medicare, Connect for Health, Social Security, unemployment, OmniSalud, LEAP, and more!

Cost: Free

Eligibility: Anyone that lives in Colorado, regardless of citizenship.

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Eagle County Public Health and Environment; Healthy Families

Services: WIC (a supplemental nutrition program)

Eligibility: WIC is available to women, infants and children who meet income eligibility.

Cost: Offered at no cost.

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