Services: Rental assistance for move in costs.
Cost: Partial repayment required.
Eligibility: Meets the definition of “eligible household” per Eagle County Affordable Housing guidelines. See guidelines here.
Services: Rental assistance for move in costs.
Cost: Partial repayment required.
Eligibility: Meets the definition of “eligible household” per Eagle County Affordable Housing guidelines. See guidelines here.
Services: Emergency Financial Assistance. Circumstance outside of the patient’s control impacting housing, which has a solution and is sustainable. Examples: unforeseen loss of job, surgery, and natural disasters like a fire.
Cost: Free
Eligibility: Residents of Eagle, Pitkin, Garfield Counties. Appointments preferred but can accommodate walk-ins at the Glenwood location. Appointments only at the Eagle and Avon offices.
Services: Emergency lodging.
Eligibility: Complete intake form and provide photo ID, call for further information. Anyone 18 or older. No appointments necessary.
Cost: Free