Grant Application
Emergency Food and Shelter Funding (EFSP)

Garfield County was awarded a total of $87,966 in federal funds through the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) under the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program.


Funding Categories: Qualifying agencies may apply for funding under the following categories:

  • Served Meals: Hot or cold prepared meals served or delivered.
  • Other Food: Food vouchers, grocery orders, food boxes, or food bank purchases.
  • Mass Shelter: Provides shelter in the organization's facility.
  • Other Shelter: Provides shelter in facilities such as motels, SROs, or another shelter.
  • Supplies and Equipment: Essential items for use in mass feeding or shelter facilities (up to $300 per item).
  • Rehabilitation (Emergency Repairs/Building Code): Building code repairs or accessibility improvements (up to $2,500, with National Board pre-approval).
  • Rent/Mortgage: Assistance for clients with rent/mortgage payments.
  • Utilities: Assistance for clients with utility bills.

How to Apply: Eligible agencies can apply here. Applications will be open from October 8, 2024, and must be submitted by October 25, 2024, at 11:59 P.M.

Fill out the form below to apply for this grant funding.