Eagle County Department of Human Services

Services: Case management and supportive services for vulnerable children and older adults.

Cost: Free

Eligibility: Walk-ins welcome and appointments by calling appreciated. Services available in Spanish as needed, just ask.

Hours: Monday-Friday (8am-5pm) The El Jebel satellite office hours are Monday/Wednesday/Friday (9am-3pm)

Address: Eagle Office (main) 551 Broadway, P.O. Box 660, Eagle, CO 81631; Avon Office 100 W. Beaver Creek Blvd, Suite 107, Avon, CO 81620; El Jebel Office 0020 Eagle County Drive, Suite E, El Jebel, CO 81623

Phone: Eagle Office 970-328-8840; Avon Office 970-328-9813; El Jebel Office 970-328-9586

Website: https://www.eaglecounty.us/departments___services/human_services/child___adult_safety,_protection___prevention/index.php 

Report Abuse and Neglect: If you are concerned about child abuse and neglect or the safety of an adult, please call the Child Welfare Hotline at 844-264-5437 (1-844-CO-4-Kids) to make a referral.

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