
Services: Therapeutic Riding, Equine Assisted Learning and Psychotherapy, Wellness Counseling, All Abilities/All Inclusive Summer Camps and Veteran Services.  PLEASE CALL AHEAD FOR AN APPOINTMENT.

Cost: Sliding scale, and can apply for a Riding scholarship.

Eligibility: Ages 2-82; Enrollment process is required. Please call or email to receive more information.

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Mountain Valley Developmental Services

Services: We provide support and services to children and adults who have intellectual and developmental delays and disabilities in Garfield, Pitkin, Eagle, and Lake Counties.  We are an Early Intervention Evaluator and an Early Intervention Broker.  We are also a Provider Agency for the Children’s Extensive Support Medicaid Waiver, the Supported Living Services Medicaid Waiver, and the Developmental Disabilities Medicaid Waiver. Our services cover the life span and are provided through a variety of programming options.

Cost: Free, Call for an appointment.

Eligibility: Must meet state determined criteria for Early Intervention and/or as a person with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Read More about Mountain Valley Developmental Services


Services: Summer Advantage Academic & Life Enrichment Program for Elementary Students + After-School Tutoring Program for Elementary Students

Cost: Free

Eligibility: Summer Advantage is available for all elementary-aged children who reside within the Roaring Fork School District boundaries (regardless which elementary school the child attend during the school year). The Roaring Fork School District offers our tutoring program to children who most need support.

Read More about Summit54

Family Resource Center School District no 16

Services: Counseling and Support Services: Individual, or group counseling to address mental health and provide social-emotional services. Parenting Education: Workshops and classes that provide parenting skills, child development information, and resources. Childcare Assistance: Information about affordable childcare options and sometimes direct support or programs. Emergency Assistance: Help with basic needs like food, clothing, and shelter, as well as assistance in crisis situations. Referrals: Connections to other community services such as healthcare, legal aid, and educational resources. Youth Programs: Activities and support for children and teenagers, including tutoring, mentorship, and recreational programs. Health and Wellness Services: Access to health screenings, wellness programs, and resources for physical and mental health. Community Engagement: Opportunities for families to connect with each other and participate in community events.

Cost: Free

Eligibility: Local families, No appointment necessary

Read More about Family Resource Center School District no 16

Parent & Family Wellness Center

Services: Perinatal wellness check-ins; 20-30 minute video sessions with a specially-trained mental health clinician provide psychoeducation about PMADs (perinatal mood and anxiety and disorders) and help folks understand and mitigate their risk factors.

Cost: Free

Eligibility: Pregnant and postpartum folks throughout Colorado. Schedule a session here:

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Family Resource Center of the Roaring Fork Schools

Services: Help navigating student enrollment, academic and social-emotional interventions. Parent leadership and advocacy opportunities. Public benefit application assistance ex. medical, vision, dental, mental health care. Free and reduced lunch application support. Internet access and assistance. Rent and utilities assistance. Transportation assistance and support. Financial literacy coaching and access to resources. Increase in positive parenting skills. Family meetings to support students who are at-risk of chronic absenteeism or drop out to access resources.

Cost: Free

Eligibility: Families with children 0-21 years of age attending schools within the Roaring Fork School District boundaries (Glenwood, Carbondale and Basalt). Unaccompanied Youth enrolled in the Roaring Fork Schools. They can connect with their school family liaison.

Read More about Family Resource Center of the Roaring Fork Schools

Challenge Aspen

Services: Challenge Aspen Community Programming (Locals) provides adaptive recreation for individuals with disabilities, physical and/or cognitive in the Roaring Fork and Colorado River Valleys. Multi-day regional programming for adults in the Roaring Fork Valley that creates inclusive participation and social opportunities for 8 weeks in the Summer, 6 weeks in the Fall, and 8 weeks in the Winter. Activities include alpine skiing, Nordic skiing, archery, cycling, bowling, etc.

Cost: Summer Daily Drop-in: $35, 2x/Week: $400. Scholarships Available, contact for more information.

Eligibility: All ages, all disabilities

Read More about Challenge Aspen

Great Expectations

Services: Support and guidance for new and expecting parents.

Cost: Free

Eligibility: All people expecting a child.

Read More about Great Expectations


Services: Comprehensive family assessment, juvenile court advocacy, restorative justice programming, substance use education, mental health services, parent support programming.

Cost: $200 for a three- to six-month program, with a sliding scale based on income.

Eligibility: Adjudicated youth and their families, as well as non-adjudicated youth who are exhibiting risky, disruptive, or criminal behavior.

Read More about YouthZone

Catholic Charities

Services: Information, referral, and mediation services for those needed transitional assistance to a new culture. Advocacy and mediation for victims of a crime.

Cost: Free

Eligibility: Residents of Eagle, Pitkin, Garfield Counties. Appointments preferred, but can accommodate walk-ins at the Glenwood location. Appointments only at the Eagle and Avon offices.

Read More about Catholic Charities