Cutter Law

Services: To assist those navigating this critical transition, we’ve developed a comprehensive guide that outlines the important factors to consider when selecting the right nursing home. To see the guide go to our website.

Cost: Free


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RFTA Paratransit – The Traveler

Services: Shared-ride transportation to persons who live within the service area in Garfield County and have a disability which prevents them from driving or utilizing public transportation. Must schedule ride 48 hours prior to pick-up. Go to website for further information.

Cost: Free but suggested donation of $2 per ride.

Eligibility: An application and assessment process must be completed in order to determine eligibility. Can apply on website.

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Caregiver Connections

Services: Connecting family caregivers with the resources, services and respite programs they need to be the best caregivers they can be. “The Senior Spot” Respite day programs provide loved ones with engaging, stimulating activities and the opportunity to socialize with other older adults while giving family caregivers much needed time for themselves. Care Consultations, with our Aging Life Care Specialist to get resources, education and questions answered as a family caregiver. Dementia and Parkinson’s Support Groups. Medical Supply Closet (for loans & donations of used durable medical equipment). Eagle County Caregiver Classifieds (private Facebook group connecting people needing in-home care services with paid skilled caregivers), and bi-monthly Aging Well Speaker Series.

Cost: Following is free for family caregivers and older adults; Support Groups, Medical Equipment Closet, Eagle County Caregiver Classifieds, and Aging Well Speaker Series. Low-cost for Senior Spot adult day respite program ($40 for 3-hour afternoon session) and Care Consultation ($100 for one-on-one meeting with Aging Life Care Specialist); ability to pay is not a requirement and financial assistance is available.

Eligibility: Contact us online or call for access to services & programs.

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Eagle County Healthy Aging Senior Nutrition Site Transportation

Services: Door to door bus service from your home to one of our Healthy Aging sites for lunch & activities. Tuesdays and Thursdays in Eagle and El Jebel and Wednesdays and Fridays in Minturn.

Cost: Suggested donation of $3 per ride.

Eligibility: Must be 60 or better and live within the main valley corridors. Call for service.

Read More about Eagle County Healthy Aging Senior Nutrition Site Transportation

Eagle County Healthy Aging Volunteer Driver Program

Services: Community volunteers help older adults get to important appointments.

Cost: Free

Eligibility: Must be 60 or better and provide at least 72 hour notice prior to the ride need. Call for notice.

Read More about Eagle County Healthy Aging Volunteer Driver Program


Services: Housing and Care:  We help clients navigate the different elder care options: home care, live in caregiver, independent living, assisted living, memory care, or skilled nursing. Our services are free but the services we refer to will require payment. We have resources that will help you determine when and how to qualify for the Medicaid waiver that covers this service. We have many, many other resources relating to getting care for older adults.

Cost: Our service is free to the client because we are compensated by our vast network of care and housing partners.

Eligibility: Clients that are 60 years or older. Either the client needs to be able to make decisions for themselves or we need someone to be helping them make those decisions. We have resources if a situation requires a power of attorney, guardian, or conservator.

Read More about CarePatrol

High Country Volunteers Medicare Counseling

Services: Certified SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) volunteers meet with Medicare beneficiaries in-person and over the phone to help them understand their medical bills, identify gaps in coverage, apply for assistance programs, help choose and enroll in plans, and investigate suspected fraud.

Cost: This program is free of charge.

Eligibility: Must be enrolled in Medicare or signing up for Medicare.

Read More about High Country Volunteers Medicare Counseling

Pitkin County Senior Services

Services: Activities and events offered throughout the week.

Cost: Free

Eligibility: Must be a senior. Walk-ins welcome at the Senior Center during open hours.

Read More about Pitkin County Senior Services