Colorado State Government Resource Inventory

Services: This resource inventory is a collection of all opportunities (i.e., service offerings, resources, funding opportunities, training/technical assistance) made available by Colorado’s state government that relate to the behavioral health of children, youth and families.


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Family Resource Center School District no 16

Services: Counseling and Support Services: Individual, or group counseling to address mental health and provide social-emotional services. Parenting Education: Workshops and classes that provide parenting skills, child development information, and resources. Childcare Assistance: Information about affordable childcare options and sometimes direct support or programs. Emergency Assistance: Help with basic needs like food, clothing, and shelter, as well as assistance in crisis situations. Referrals: Connections to other community services such as healthcare, legal aid, and educational resources. Youth Programs: Activities and support for children and teenagers, including tutoring, mentorship, and recreational programs. Health and Wellness Services: Access to health screenings, wellness programs, and resources for physical and mental health. Community Engagement: Opportunities for families to connect with each other and participate in community events.

Cost: Free

Eligibility: Local families, No appointment necessary

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Vail Behavioral Health – Olivia’s Fund

Services: Financial assistance for youth and uninsured individuals in Eagle County to help pay for mental health services for up to six sessions per person per year. This means in-person or virtual counseling with a therapist is available at no cost to those struggling in our community.

Cost: Free

Eligibility: Must be a resident or work in Eagle County. To apply submit application Here or call for more information, can apply in English or Spanish.

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Second Wind Fund

Services: When a child or teen is at risk for suicide and faces a financial or social barrier to accessing mental health treatment, Second Wind Fund covers the cost of therapy. For families who are not facing a financial or social barrier and need help finding a quality provider, Second Wind Fund can provide navigation assistance. Youth can receive 12 free sessions of therapy.

Cost: Free

Eligibility: Colorado youth up to 19 years old. Spanish and English, never asked about legal status. A youth, parent or guardian, or any other youth-serving professional must submit an online referral.

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I Matter Colorado

Services: Connects youth with a therapist for up to 6 free virtual counseling sessions (some in-person appointments available, too) that are completely confidential. English and Spanish, never asked about legal status.

Cost: Free

Eligibility: Colorado Youth – Ages 12 to 18 can sign up for the program without parent/guardian assistance or consent. Ages 11 and younger must have a parent/guardian sign up for the program on their behalf.

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